Photos (Pictures/Art)

These are some random photos that you can look at, or not…

Astronaut Snowman

One small step for snowmen, one giant leap for snowmen made of planets.

Tractor Painting

This is a painting I did of a tractor in a field. I gave it to my friend Smitty and Kerry for their wedding. Happy wedding.

Killed at the pee stand

Oh no! Headshot at the head! (A Nerf Gun is still a gun) Please talk to your children about gun control.


I look like a business grape. A suited grape.

Phil and I

My British punk band. We were called “The OyOy Night Regents”


If it isn’t the bearded Vivienne Westwood and a guy with a wig and hookah.Hack Saw

Hacksaw Jim Duggan!! U-S-A! U-S-A! Everyone is excited for Hacksaw! Parents talk to your kids about childhood obesity.

Running in terror

A lady running away to vomit because I am drinking Scope. Parents, talk to your kids about the dangers of consuming household products. Lock them away!

me and some dudes

Finger giving with some new New York friends. I call this photo “Fingers and ATM” also the title about my next short porn movie script.

Tim looking insane

One person in this photo really had to expel his testicular sludge into a toilet after this photo was taken because they were so excited being around the only woman there they couldn’t contain themselves. Can you guess who?  Parents, talk to your kids about the hazards of public masturbation techniques.


We are by a toilet that won’t flush. Parents, talk to your kids about the dangers of “Jenkem”

Tim looks like a lunatic

Tim and Des are the drunk with power couple on the left.


Dylan Gott has the sweetest meat. Can’t stress this enough…Parents talk to you kids about the dangers of prostitution.


The Boom at the Comedy Bar.

Make out Dumpster

I found a couple making out behind a dumpster. Parents talk to your kids about safe sex and safe sex locations. Dumpsters can be full of bad bacteria. Staff infections can take your limbs.

Me and a dog

Here is Dan, Keith and I with a proud owner of a dog dressed as a frog. Parents talk to you kids about the dangers of chasing waterfalls.

3 dudes

Typical… metal show crowd. My eyes are up here! Parents talk to your kids about the dangers of metal.


Some of my finest acting.

Human Centapsed

Girls love a guy who can pull off a human centipede shirt. Parents talk to your children about what is real and what is not on TV and in movies.

Hannan getting punched

The shirt reads, “I’ve got a Canadian attitude.” People think we are so polite. Parents talk to your children about the dangers of staged dirt bag party violence.

wells naked

This is my nearly naked friend. He is sipping a rum and I am looking cool as hell once again. Shit, look at the cool emanating like an air conditioner. Parents talk to your kids about the dangers of alcohol enemas.

Track suit

This woman looks like she’s scared of a scalding I gave her, but in reality she was trying to stay out of the shot. She didn’t do a good job at staying out of frame. She is still in the shot, and I look like a man who refuses to walk on a sidewalk. Parents talk to your kids about the dangers of photo-bombing!

anus leaf

Holding a slate. Parents, slates aren’t toys. You can get your finger pinched.

green screen

Green face. Parents talk to your children about good hygiene.


I’m photo bombing a picture I am supposed to be in. Who is that lunatic??


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